An affiliate program is a form of internet advertising that rewards marketers for driving traffic to a company’s website and producing sales. The company gives its affiliates a personalised tracking link that the marketer can use in their promotions. This link enables the company to track where traffic and sales are coming from and pay their affiliates accordingly. Simply put, affiliate programs are about paying commissions to people who help you to make sales. This is not quite as easy as it sounds.
Running an affiliate program has its ups and downs. It is very important to be armed with up to date information and technical know how if you are going to run such a program successfully and with the minimum stress. In this article we will look at the benefits of affiliate marketing as a tool for increasing your businesses profitability…
Here are some of the reasons why you should consider affiliate marketing as an effective way of advertising your business and products.
1. Low cost
Running an affiliate program is very cost effective as you only pay your affiliates for the results that they produce. The affiliate bears most of the cost of...