When people are unable to obtain an affordable, employer-sponsored group health insurance plan, they usually figure an individual health insurance plan is their only other option, short of state-sponsored health care. Purchasing an individual health insurance plan is indeed an option, but if you cant afford it at this time in your life you may want to consider finding affordable health care with a major medical plan.
When comparing individual health insurance plans and major medical plans, youll probably find that major medical plans are generally more expensive. But youre not looking for more expensive! Youre looking for affordable health care! Rest assured, you can find affordable health care with a major medical insurance plan. While you may spend more on monthly premiums when you purchase a major medical insurance plan, you will save money when it comes to major medical costs think major surgeries, extended hospital stays, etc. These kinds of health care coverage are much more expensive than, say, a regular check-up. These kinds of health care coverage are also the kinds that will financially break you if you dont have coverage, or enough coverage, in the event they...