For anyone living in the American society, it does not take a sociologist or a political scientist to call attention to which extend sports has permeated the American way of life. Newspapers devote an entire section of their daily editions to the coverage of sports such as golf , football, soccer, and more. Newsprint about sport surpasses even that given to economy, politics, or any other single topic of interest. Television brings into contemporary households over 1,200 hours of live and taped sporting events every year, sometimes disrupting the usual family life and other times it provides a collective focus to a family’s attention.
Whether involved as spectators, participants, or sponsors, sport has been given an ideological foundation through the development of a belief system that outlines the supposed merits of sport. Sociologists support that sports open the door for the formation of amicable relationships between players, communities, racial groups, and even nations. Although sport has emerged as a relatively important element of people’s dominant value system and has received unquestionable support from the vast majority over the globe, sports...