I love online coupons and saving money off of them. If there is a bargain to be found, I am all over it. My husband calls me the coupon queen-kong. I get my coupon clipping tendencies from my mother, it’s a genetic trait. My husband and my father on the other hand do not enjoy using them as much. If you handed them a discount coupon, they will be overly embarrassed to use it. Who cares if they can get a free meal or a huge discount, they suddenly lose the coupon before it needs to be presented. I personally present and take advantage of as many coupons as I can each and every opportunity I have.
Since I first started going into cyberspace, I noticed that there were online coupons available just about everywhere. If you want to take advantage of free meals, there are online coupons for that. If you want to save a few dollars on pet food or car rentals, there are online coupons that you can print out for that as well. A lot of websites only offer savings through use of an online coupon that you can only find on their site. I absolutely love that.
Online coupons can save people quite a bit of money. Or, they can be offering a small savings that when you add it...