Poker to me has always been a little bit of luck and a whole lot of information. An Online Poker Tournament has been proven achievable but the first disadvantage I see is my whole lot of information is going to be next to nil.
Im only going to see other players and myself as caricatures on my screen. Facial expressions, hand gestures, body motions will all be absent, as well as eye squinting, blinking or twitching those giveaways on TV and why many use sunglasses. Add to this the screen names: how do I know that Tiny Tina isnt some card shark from Vegas alluding to be female and harmless?
Im going to have to compensate for this not-so-small handicap. Basically anybodys poker actions are six — whether you play online or off betting, folding, calling, raising, re-raising, or check-raising. So thats a given. My observations are going to fall in the realm of a good site selection, a game selection (there are many tables), careful note-taking and money management.
And while all players are indeed in caricature-form, they still have behavior that can be noted. I can put their screen names under one of two lists: tight players or loose players. ...