Breathing is something that is vital to life. It is something we all do and need to do constantly to enable us to live. If you are not doing it now then Im sorry but you cannot continue to read this, as you are dead.
This article is not about breathing though; it is about what we breathe. Well, that is obvious, air. Yep, but let us, for a minute, think about what may be in the air we breathe.
Apart from the components of air such as oxygen, which is the bit we need, the air you breathe is full of other particles and you need to think about an air purifier to filter these potentially harmful particles out of the air or in other words purify the air. I am sure you have seen sunlight coming through you windows and when you are at a certain angle you have seen dust particles floating in the air. You breathe these in unless you can use an air purifier to remove them or hopefully most of them. Its not only dust though, people and animals drop flakes of dead skin which is why you need an air purifier. Tobacco smoke produces particles of smoke, which is why you need an air purifier, and vehicles also produce particles of smoke from their engines, which is why you need an...