An airline credit card is the perfect addition to the wallets of those who spend a lot of time traveling on planes. These cards allow you to build up points that you can spend in any number of different ways. Not all airline credit cards are created equal, in fact some are not any good at all and it is your job to determine which is which before you sign the contract. You do not want to get sucked into a bad credit card contract, believe me, this is something you want to avoid like the plague. So what can you do to make sure that the airline credit card you choose has all the necessities that youll need?
The very first thing that you need to look at when trying to choose the airline credit card for you is the interest rate. Do not get blinded by the flashy introductory rate, look at the long term rate. This will be the interest rate that kicks in after the first few months. This will be the one that you pay for years and years and years, so obviously it is the important one. You will be able to find out all about the interest rate in the airline cards contract.
If you do not read through the contract of your airline card then you deserve everything that comes...