Airline Credit Cards Are They Offering The Best Value?e
There are more reward credit cards around now than ever before. There are cash back credit cards, points cards and American Express even have a new nectar card out. One of the long running popular rewards has been the airline credit card. These are offered by many of the main card providers and they offer as their reward scheme the chance to collect airmiles as you spend. Airmiles are an extremely popular reward as they can be redeemed on major airlines for free or upgraded flights. However, the question customers have to keep asking themselves in this respect is whether or not they offer the best value.
Looking at airline credit cards as a whole, they typically reward you with one airmile per pound spent. This seems fair enough but when you look at airmile redemption prices, you can see that it costs thousands of airmiles for even the shortest flights. For the vast majority of customers, it will take literally years to spend enough on the card to redeem a free flight, even within the UK. Some customers will be able to add these miles to ones they also collect on flights and in this way build up miles...