Lets face it! Anything can happen during a game of airsoft. Your weapon may get jammed during the most crucial part of the game. You may even run out of spare magazines without any time to fill them up with BBs. Even worse, you may end up with a rifle that has completely burned up. When one of your opponents is about to reach your hiding place and your main weapon can no longer protect you, you would wish to have one of these side arms tucked in your vest. It may not be as strong as a rifle, but having an airsoft pistol in your hand during such times is better than nothing.
A Friend That’s Got You Covered!
Airsoft pistols are very good support weapons for airsoft games. They also have a place in Closed Quarter Battles or CQBs. There are three kinds of airsoft pistols: the spring pistol, the gas pistol and the electric pistol.
Springer Airsoft Pistols
Spring airsoft pistols or springers are the cheapest airsoft guns in the market. It is the best option for people who do not have the money to buy a gas airsoft gun or automatic electric gun (AEG). The pistols can cost as low as $25. High-end springers can reach a price of $50. The springer...