What is your opinion on algae and lichens within the garden? Are you trying to discourage them or are you one of the select few who promote their growth. Let me introduce you to these algae and lichens, so you can make an informed decision.
Algae in glasshouses and polytunnels
Algae are the much-maligned green slimes found on ponds and as a greenish scum on paths and drives. You may be surprised to know algae is actually a garden plant, albeit a stem-less and non-flowering specimen. Over winter, disgusting greyish-green algae often builds up on the inside glass of our garden sheds, glasshouses and polytunnels. The solution is to trim back any surrounding planting to allow as much light as possible to enter. Also try to leave the doors and windows open for a few hours each week to prevent the build up of stagnant air. If some of the slightly powdery scum still builds up, you can wipe it off glass with a mild detergent, whereas on polytunnels only wipe the plastic with warm soapy water.
Algae control on steps and paths
Algae and mosses often coat paths and quite dangerously garden steps; damp shade is again a big factor. Reducing shade will cut down on...