Your life as you know it, even now is a spiritual life. Even if you spend not one second thinking about God, your existence as a soul is a living testimony to God’s love and goodness. You came from the spiritual realms, to exist here on the Earth in a body, for a specific and sacred purpose that is an integral part of the larger purpose that God has for souls on the Earth at this time.
You are beloved in God’s eyes, even if you have no awareness of God or spiritual life. God’s love formed the very DNA of your cells, and created you with purity, love and goodness in your heart. In God’s infinite goodness, all souls are given free will and choice, to make their way in life and choose from among a multiplicity of directions and options. Your free will may have taken you closer to or further away from the love and goodness that you were created with, but at all times you remain a sacred child of God.
This one realization could change humanity in an instant, if it were understood that all life is sacred, all life is spiritual life, and that God who created the Earth is actively participating in each life at all times, even in times of great...