Any transaction involving an exchange of money for products and/or services should be properly documents. For purchases of small items, you normally get an official receipt or a docket from the vendor once you hand over your payment. For larger more expensive items such as furniture, equipment, appliances, the process will involve more documentation. In exchange for your hard-earned cash, the seller will not only hand over the receipt, but a warranty card to protect you against factory defects as well. Bigger purchases that can be considered investments, such as cars and most importantly: homes should be handled with utmost care. Not only because it involves a lot of money, but because these transactions will affect the lives of the buyer and the seller for many years to come.
Of all the purchase transactions you can do in your life, nothing would be more sensitive and would need attention to detail as that of purchasing or selling a house. Each step of the transaction should be fully documented and if there are revisions that need to be made, these should be recorded as well. Buyers and sellers can opt to prepare the documentation themselves but, due to the number of...