A case to protect and secure your chips, cards and dealer button is imperative to protect your investment and provide the necessary security for your chips. The chips will remain safe under lock and key during play leaving you to concentrate on your play. You can quickly determine if any chips are missing after a playing session when you rack them into the case. Poker chip cases come in a wide variety of styles, materials and price ranges. Most chip sellers offer complete sets with an included case. Inexpensive, readily available plastic chips need not be protected so the case may be as simple as a shoebox but once you move into midrange and better casino style chips you should definitely consider a quality lockable case.
Plastic Case
Entry level carrying case for chips that usually is not lockable and provides a simple method of storing and carrying you gaming chips. Plastic cases boast the lowest cost but the shortest life of the specialized chip cases. Lack of security requires constant vigilance of chips during the game.
Vinyl Case
The vinyl case is a step above the plastic case and provides greater protection for the poker chipset. The case is...