For most people, vacations mean getting away from humdrum of daily routine but it also turns out to be spending a bagful of money on frivolities. Although you certainly deserve to splurge every now and then, you might want to consider doing something altogether different this time for your time off.
To begin with think of how much hassle is involved in a traditional vacation the travel, the packing, the tight schedules, the crowds, trying to find a bathroom. After going through all of this, you often need a vacation from the vacation itself.
Perhaps you might want some more self-fulfilling vacation ideas like the ones outlined here. Take your pick, or add one of your own.
Charity Work
If you like to meet new people, be active and make a difference, consider charity work as legitimate vacation ideas. There are many charities locally that help in the community, or nationally for which you take trips to other locations. Perhaps you might like to volunteer to walk dogs at a shelter for two weeks. Or you could contact Habitat For Humanity and see if you can help build low-cost housing. Your local church, senior center or YMCA might have charity...