Believe it or not, more than eight percent of American households have credit cards. One reason for such is that credit cards offer benefits that cash usually could not provide such as convenient purchase ability.
Thanks to credit cards, there is really no need to go and run to the nearest or farthest bank for that much needed cash.
Currently, there are many cards to choose from. However, there is one credit card company that has been in the lending business since time immemorial.
First things first, if considering of having a credit card, try to check out what American Express has to offer.
Believe it or not, American Express is considered as the credit card that has been used the longest and the oldest in all the world.
American Express is one of the countrys respected financial lending organization and service institution.
It has been in the business since 1850 and now employs more than seventy eight thousand employees.
Why people use Amex
Credit cards, specifically American Express cards are widely known for offering unparalleled if not excellent customer service to its holders, as well as quick purchasing...