Purchasing a home is a major expense that requires a significant and long term financial commitment. When you initially apply for a mortgage, you are approved for loan funding based on your financial status at the time of application. Most people do not expect that their financial situations will get worse over time, but in some cases that is exactly what happens. Whether through the loss of employment or the death of a family member, it is an unfortunate fact that many people find themselves in situations that keep them from being able to keep up with their home loan payments.
Importance of Mortgage Protection Insurance
For many families, making mortgage payments would become difficult or even impossible in the event of the death of one or more members of the household. Before investing in a home, it is important to stop and think about how the house payments could be made if a major source of household income were to become permanently unavailable as the result of an unanticipated death.
While no one wants to think that their family will ever face a worst case scenario, it’s necessary to make contingency plans for every possible situation....