The word perfume is from a Latin phrase meaning through smoke and was thought to have been invented by the ancient Egyptians who burned fragrant woods and plants for their pleasant odors. Over the years perfume has been used, refined and enhanced by every major civilization and today perfume as we know it is a very big business.
Todays modern perfume has three main components:
The scent Virtually anything natural or synthetic that has an odor can be used in the making of perfume. Typically scents are made from flowers, citrus, spices, woods and sometimes even leather.
The fixative These ingredients act to stabilize the aromatic compound and help to make the scent last longer.
The solvent This is usually alcohol and keeps bacteria from forming and helps maintain an even consistency so it can be easily applied.
The category a fragrance belongs to is defined by how much of the scent (or aromatic compound) is used in the product. This also plays a factor in determining the price as the higher the concentration of scent the more expensive the fragrance will be:
Lotions and aftershaves generally have a 1 to 2% scent base
Eau de...