Travel has its payback in the form of reward credit cards. Choosing the best reward credit cards for yourself can be intimidating, and you should be guided by some factors that are personal to you. How do you choose and analyze THE travel reward credit card that suits your needs and lifestyle best? How do you, in fact, analyze reward credit cards in the first place?
Reward Credit Cards Should be Tailor Made for You
For one thing, the travel rewards companies work on the assumption that you want something and they can give it to you. The problem is that most of us dont know what that something is and tend to lean towards fat, attractive packages that we may never use. For example, a travel reward credit card that offers you discounts on airfares might not be very attractive to a traveler whose airfare is paid for by his company. Then again, a reward credit card that offers exotic holiday cruises may remain unutilized in the hands of someone who does not enjoy sailing!
On the other hand, a frequent traveler might actually benefit from free upgrades on board if his card gives him that facility. Choosing a card according to how you would use it and benefit...