The process of aging is a natural one but the skins process of aging can be significantly reduced with the proper prevention methods and relevant natural skin care techniques.
The major factor in our skin prematurely aging can be attributed to the sun. The sun damage you might see on your face today could have started over thirty years ago. When it comes to sun damage prevention is much better than cure.
Ways to prevent sun damage occurring are:
. Wear a high protection factor sunscreen every day on the face, neck and dcolletage
. Wear a hat whenever you venture outside; even to hang out the washing
. Wear make-up that contains sunscreen
. Try to remain in the shade when possible
We hear a lot about “free radicals” these days. Free radicals are unstable molecules produced from sources like air pollution, radiation, and chemicals. They are also caused by bad diets high in fat and can even be caused by over exercising. These free radicals can over run your system and are now recognized to cause devastating health problems, such as heart disease and rheumatoid arthritis. They are a major concern in premature...