Anti-wrinkle face creams and formulations work against natural aging and photo aging. External factors of aging, such as long exposure to harmful rays of the sun etc are called photo aging. Your skin looks thick and leathery with regular pigmentations, blood vessels may be visible on the surface of the skin and deep furrows develop in the skin in addition to wrinkles.
Wrinkles vary in shape, size, depth, extent of coverage and age from individual to individual. Treatment for wrinkles using anti wrinkle creams depends on what type of problem you are going through. If you are older and with more visible lines on your face then probably you need a stronger product. A young face with fine lines would require any general-purpose cream. You should think about all the aspects and only then settle down with a product.
Three basic steps are normally followed to treat facial problems:
-> Cleanse: Using skin cleansers like fruit acids.
-> Tone: Using toners like moisturizers, vitamins and minerals.
-> Nourish: Using more advanced formulations.
The following are some of the basic ingredients of an anti wrinkle face cream: