If you are covering your antique or classic car under a regular insurance policy, you may be paying too much. Most people dont use their antique cars every day and so there it is better of get a policy that is geared towards an antique car that would take that into consideration. You will probably pay less for it.
For insurance companies there is a difference between old, classic and antique cars. The criterion usually differs depending on the company. In general, the definition of a classic car is that the car must be between fifteen to thirty years old, it must be something of worth to a collector and the car must be in good form.
An antique car is classified as a thirty year old vehicle. It has historic plates and can only be driven as part of a show. If an old car doesnt fit either of these requirements then, it is simply an old car that cant be insured under the special policies available. This is classification is necessary because there are some companies that deal exclusively with classic or antique cars and they generally have lower insurance fees attached.
You may get your car appraised if you think that its value is much more than what the book...