Apartments. Usually somebody’s first home after getting married. Can’t really say they’re relatively cheap anymore. Depending on where you live, apartments can run you anywhere from several hundred to several thousand dollars a month.
So what does one do when looking for an apartment? Believe it or not, there are many different types, styles, and pay plans involved. We’ll try to cover the basic types in this article and what you can expect to find with each.
Starting off small there is your basic studio apartment. A studio apartment is usually 1 room with a kitchen and bath. Let’s first off define what a room is when getting an apartment. A room is any room other than your kitchen and bath. Bathrooms do not count as rooms at all because they are required by law. Kitchens are a little different. Most walk in kitchens are considered a half a room. If the kitchen is simply an area in the apartment that is not cut off from the other rooms then it is not counted as a room. So a studio 1 room would have a kitchen area that’s part of the 1 room, meaning it probably comes with just a refrigerator and a stove and sink. A studio 1 1/2...