Youve sat down and really thought about and have decided that your ready for your very own credit card. You read all the credit card offers that have flooded your e-mail and post office mail box. Youve studied the customer incentives. You know all about how annual percentage rates, grace periods, and balance transfers. After studying all this information and making your decision its time to decide how to apply for your card.
Basically there are only two ways of applying for a credit card. You can sit at your desk and fill out the mail in application, put it into the postage paid by addressee envelope, drive it to the post office, mail it, wait three weeks, get a letter saying that you forgot to put the check with the application fee, and repeat the whole process again.
There is something comforting about this system, this process of filling out the application by hand and mailing it. A sense of continuing a time honored tradition, your parents applied for their credits this way, so did your grandparents. Heck your great-great-great grandparents probably applied for their Sears Roebuck store credit card by Pony Express. And if they had a credit card in the stone...