Apply Online For A Credit Card How To Choose A Card?
The best type of credit card for you will be dependant on how you intend to use the credit card. Are you the type of person who pays off your card balances monthly? If you are, a card with low annual charges will probably be the best for you. If you tend to let your balances carry over then a card with the lowest interest rates will probably be best for you. If you need cash advances from time to time try to choose a card with a low interest rate and low charges on advances.
When you compare interest rates on differing cards remember that the rate is often variable rather than fixed. The banks or finance houses can often adjust these rates quarterly or by written notice.
Note that interest is charge at an APR rate. APR is the annual percentage rate chargeable. Check to clarify whether you are likely to be paying a differing rate on late payment of monthly balances. This is often called a penalty APR. Check whether the card has a tiered APR. Some cards use different rates depending on the size of outstanding balance you have at the end of each month. Many cards charge differing APRs dependant on the type...