Applying For A College Student Loan: How To Come Prepared
Anyone who has looked at tuition prices lately knows how expensive college can be, whether a student carries a full course load or not. Not only can they spend hundreds of dollars per course unit, there’s also the added expense of books, student services, medical expenses and lab fees. More students are applying for a college student loan these days than ever before, just to help cover such expenses.
Student loans are available to all students, but that doesn’t mean they’re easy to come by. Depending on the state and the college or university, expenses for a year’s course of study can range from hundreds to thousands of dollars, and the prices go up for State university locations. The decision to apply for a student loan may be the only reasonable option that many people have to fund their college education, but there are several things to consider before shopping for one.
First, take stock of your personal finances. Are you looking at the student loan to fund all of your school expenses, or only a portion of them? When figuring the amount you’ll need, try to add in...