Believe it or not, applying for a credit card has never been this convenient thanks to the power of the internet wherein applying via online has become as easy as a-b-c.
There are a lot of online credit card applications you could choose from. The following are samples of them from Chase.
In order to apply online for a credit card, the process is as simple as clicking on the button that says apply. Believe it or not, it is quick, fast and extremely secure.
One such credit card you could easily apply to online is the Visa Platinum Chase card. It offers zero percent APR for the whole month and does not require an annual fee. You also get one reward point for every buck you spent using this Chase credit card. Also, points earned could be easily redeemed to cash, travel rewards, gift, merchandise, cards or certificates.
Balance transfers are allowed in this card. Also, you need to have good credit standing in order to be eligible.
Another credit card application you could apply for online is the Chase Visa Free Cash Rewards card. The APR for this credit card is fixed at twelve months. Also, one rewards point is earned for every dollar...