There is a growing interest in suicide. When people start looking for more information about suicide, you’ll be in a position to meet their needs. This article is a brief description of much information on this subject. Let’s start with 3 levels to discern in the act of euthanasia.
There are three levels to discern in the act of euthanasia:
1. One is a patient who is comatose or brain dead. In these cases the doctor is asked to pull the plug, or remove the patient from mechanical life support. These cases are generally not challenged by the general public. It is an act of withdrawing or withholding necessary mechanisms used to sustain a life that cannot sustain itself. It is here that the recognition of ones personality is gone and the shell of a body is all that remains.
2. Another act of euthanasia involves the use of morphine to hospitalized patients in the painful final stages of her or his life with diseases such as cancer and AIDS.
3. The last category of euthanasia is patients in relatively good health and at the beginning of a terminal illness wishing to end their lives. Such cases as Alzheimers and Cancer preclude...