Massage, while luxurious and pampering for its receivers, is a serious profession for its deliverers requiring enormous knowledge, an advanced skill set, and unmatched professionalism. And along with this in order to make a massage profession a successful profession is the need for safe and effective massage equipment.
As a massage therapist, your equipment needs depend largely on your method of seeing clients. If you work within an existing full-service spa then your massage equipment needs will be significantly less than if you have clients coming to your home or vice versa.
If you do not see your clients in an existing spa, then you will have to provide a massage table and massage chair as part of your massage equipment. A massage table can be a permanent piece of furniture or foldout table that you bring along with you to appointments. It is generally a long table with a cushion for the client to rest their face when they are on their stomach. When purchasing this piece of massage equipment be sure that the table is of adequate length and sturdy enough to hold a variety of weights.
A massage chair allows you to do back and neck massages while the...