It is easy to recognize when someone else is wearing too much perfume or cologne. They walk by you and an obnoxious wafting of overpowering fragrance turns you from the potentially pleasant aroma. Yet the people wafting by you have no idea that they are hindering your nasal experience with the bath they apparently took in their fragrance prior to leaving their house.
It can be annoying at the very least to have to sit near someone in the work environment that has been doused excessively in their favorite scent. For asthmatics or people with allergies, it is more than a mere annoyance. It is a health distraction that prohibits them from being comfortable in the workplace.
Since its so easy to recognize when someone else is wearing way too much perfume, it should be just as easy to recognize when you yourself are the perfume bathed culprit. Not true. When a person douses themselves with perfume they are unaware that they do not have the same sensitive sense of smell that most people do. This can occur for a variety of reasons.
Some people simply do not have a very strong sense of smell. They cant determine aroma unless it is very strong. If you notice that...