What month were you born? If youre quite interested in gemstones, then you probably know your gemstone. The birthstone of those people born in the month of March is aquamarine. Aquamarine gemstones are available in greenish blue or blue green shade.
If you translate the word aquamarine, it literally means sea water. Many years ago, people believed that you can call the great spirits by simply holding an aquamarine gemstone in your mouth. By doing so, the spirits will provide you with the answers to the most vexing questions you have. There are also those who soak aquamarine in water and then they use the water in curing eye troubles, hiccups, and other minor respiratory diseases.
Way back in the 1920s, a huge aquamarine was found in Brazil and the weight reached 243 pounds. The gemstone was clearly visible and its length was 19×16 inches. The outside color was greenish but the inside part was blue. You can even find an 879-carat aquamarine in a British museum and in a county museum in Los Angeles you can find a 638-carat aquamarine gemstone. Eleanor Roosevelt also received a 1,847 carats aquamarine gemstone and at present it can be found in their estate in...