Are Air Purifiers the Solution to Improving Indoor Air Quality?
Possibly due to the increased pollutants in the air we breathe, greater numbers of people are suffering from environmental sensitivities. Second hand smoke, dust, pollens, and molds cause millions of people to seek allergy relief products. Although we can’t always control our outdoor or work environments, we can take steps to control the air quality of our homes. Furnace filters and vacuum cleaners can help indoor air pollution, but many people turn to air purifiers to make the air in their homes easier to breathe.
Types of Air Purifiers
There are many different types of air purifiers, each designed to address a specific type of problem:
Dust Removal: Unless you keep your home spic and span and run your heating and air conditioning system 24 hours a day, seven days a week, you most likely have a build up of dust. Many people are allergic to dust, and turn to HEPA machines to filter out dust. HEPA machines usually only take care of the dust in the room where they’re located, so they’re not a good solution to keeping your whole house dust-free. Instead, it’s best...