Are Cookies Evil? What Service Do Cookies Perform In A Web Browser?
Are cookies are bad and do they invade your privacy? We’re not talking about the kind of cookie you eat, we’re talking about computer cookies! It’s not really true that cookies are evil.
So, what is a cookie, what’s it made of and what does it do? A cookie is a tiny text file that a web site can put on your computer as you browse the pages on that web site. One thing people don’t understand is that a web site can only read and write its own cookies, it cannot access another web site’s cookies. Cookies are used for storing various items of information, such as a name, or a selection choice you made. This information will be read back from the when you load other pages on the site, or, on return visits to the site.
What reason does a web site need to use cookies? Web browsers are stateless, stateless means that as you through various pages on a web site, each of those pages is a separate and distinct action. For example, the web server does not know it’s the same person that was on the home page that made the request for the order page. This is very...