In this fast paced world where people are globe trotting, carrying cash for expenses is too much of a hassle. Credit cards are ideal as they are handy and useful all over the world. This small plastic card has numbers which are like key to your credit world. The major advantage is you spend first and pay later.
When you travel abroad the trouble of exchanging foreign currency takes up most of your time. With the use of credit cards you save time and effort on this issue. There are three types of credit cards. Master card, Visa card and Diners card. These three cards are issued to people who have a credit history and are liable to return the money. Though the interest levied on credit cards is high, there is no interest if you pay back with in the first month. Credit cards are used to pay college fees, hotel bills, at gas station, super market, malls, buying on the internet and all over the world.
Right from your super market to hospital emergencies, credit cards are used everywhere. Its a boon as all of us at one time or the other have cash crunch. Instead of finding a lender and applying for a loan and waiting for it to get through, credit cards do the work in no...