Are you currently carrying a massive debt load? Do you wonder if it another bill collector ever time your telephone rings? Do you wake up at night wondering if youve forgotten to pay something? If so you may want to consider seeking the help of a debt consolidation service.
And if you choose a debt consolidation service that does not charge a fee, one that is already subsidized by many of the creditors that they aim to help repay, you could benefit even more because they will be putting the entire amount that you pay towards your outstanding debts instead of keeping part of it as their payment.
However, non-profit debt consolidation services offer many other services than just debt consolidation and repayment. They also offer consumers advice on keeping their finances on target, developing workable monthly budgets and how to repair a poor credit rating.
Getting your finances straighten out is of course the first step. The debt consolidation service will help you make a list of all your outstanding unsecured debts, how much you owe to each of them and what the total amount you should be paying every month is.
The next step is to work out what...