If you know anything about small business, then you know that some of a small business owners strongest business allies are other small business owners. When you are a part of the small business world, you realize that by working with other owners like yourself, you can often become more successful. This is especially true on the web as well as locally. If you want to promote your business more on the web, but have no budget to help you do so, consider working with other websites. To do this, you will have to log in a little time however. Not every website operator will be willing to help you out with advertising. Use these tips to help you along the way.
The first thing you want to do when considering a website link exchange with another site is to make your site the best it can be. Although this may sound irrelevant, it is likely website operators will only be willing to help you if they truly admire your site and find it appropriate. This should be the standard in all cases at least. If a website operator is going to commit to allowing your link to be placed on their website and vice versa, they will want your reputation and website to be top notch. So, before you...