Are you?
Do you feel completely in control of your life, totally happy and fulfilled?
Or, like the majority of people are you unhappy about significant parts of your life?
The truth is you can control your circumstances and how you feel and act in response to your surroundings.
One of the key messages from Stephen R Coveys book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is that you are response-able. You are not like a moth flying into a candle flame because it cannot change the way it responds to the stimulus of the light from the candle.
As a human you are able to choose how you respond to your surroundings, to other people, to your circumstances. There is a gap between the stimulus from your senses and your response to that stimulus. In that gap you can make a vital choice your response!
For many people this realization is a powerful and liberating thought that helps overcome very difficult life circumstances loss of a job, a close relative, terminal illness
Prisoners suffering terrible torture with no means of regaining their liberty have still found freedom in the knowledge that there is one thing that cannot be...