The work at home industry is comprised of two types of people.
The first group want to work at home so they can wake late, work in their PJs, and watch their favorite soap. These people may have succeeded in the corporate world, or in a regular job. They may be university graduates. They are just looking for an easier way to live their lives.
These are societies adventurers. They are separated from the lazy segment of society by the fact that they work much harder at making their get rich easily schemes work than most CEOs work at making corporate America work.
These people are often seen as dreamers. Their motivation may to stay at home and raise the children, get out of the rat race, build multiple streams of income, start building wealth by investing, or to do a better job than their boss did. However, their drive is to succeed.
The second group are innovators.
Innovators come from two places. They may be part of the newly defined Indigo personality type. These people may, or may not be geniuses. They help others, and often self destruct because they were forced to fit into the 4 main personality types, living in a cubical, and...