Are You In a Toxic Relationship, Improve It Or Better Get Out!
The most significant thing you can do in any relationship is to be honest and gain the trust of your partner. But if the relationship is a toxic relationship, you might want to find the best solution that works for the both partners and be honest while doing so. You first need to decide if the toxic relationship is suffering because of your own issues, including behaviors. People change; emotions change and when we get to a point of no return, we can often search inside ourselves to see if the problem in the relationship lies within ourselves.
Relationships are based on trust and understanding one another. If you do not have trust and understanding, more than likely your relationship will turn into a toxic relationship. This means you and your partner need to find a solution to deal with the problem, or get out.
Building a solid foundation is the first step to a successful relationship. Foundations based on stability offer a rewarding, long-lasting relationship, while unstable foundations lead to breakups. Therapy is good, but if you can sit down and talk through your own problems this is the...