T1 technology is a quantum improvement in the world of communication. This technology replaces the earlier one which depended on conversion of sound into analog signals which were carried through a pair of copper wires again to be converted back to sound at the receivers end.
When T1 technology is opted for, the first visible difference to a non technical user is that the service provider lays an optic fiber cable and this becomes the medium of transmission instead of the conventional copper wires.
The other more vital difference which obviously is not apparent to a non technical user is, the sound is now digitized and the digitized signals are transported along the fiber optic cables. This gives exceptional clarity to the voice and telephoning now becomes a pleasure. The noise and disruptions which are inseparable accompaniments of a conventional phone conversation, is completely absent in this system.
The biggest advantage of T1 phones is their capacity to carry huge volumes of traffic. One T1 line can support as many as 24 simultaneous conversations.
The other advantage is these lines are not dedicated to specific phones. Rather, these exist in a...