If you are young and just getting to grips with financial products, you may have looked into getting a credit card. Although credit cards are not an essential product for everyone, many people have at least one card, and so it pays to know about how they work. If you want to know whether or not you are ready for a credit card, then here is some advice to help you out.
When to get a card?
Most people think about getting their first card when they go to University. Although some avoid the temptation and others get cards earlier, generally speaking you should look at getting your first credit card from about the age of 18 onwards. When you are at University or starting out a job, you are likely to have more outgoings than you did before, and a credit card is a useful tool to cover some of these expenses.
What type of card to get?
If you are going to University, then you should look at getting a dedicated student credit card. These cards do not require such strict credit checks, and you can usually get a much better limit than you can with a regular card. Also, you will receive additional benefits such as discounts on books, clothes and music. If you are...