To be honest, I knew very little about fantasy football. I was one of those sports fans who follows football when it is in season, watches some games on TV, follows games on the internet, somehow remembers every score and stat, and then gets really excited during the playoffs and, of course, the Super Bowl. I don’t have the time or money to go see actual NFL games, though I am sure I’d greatly enjoy them.
Anyway, I kept seeing ads for fantasy football online and in other places wondered what it was, so I did some research. Apparently, fantasy football is a sports game for those who want to be involved with football all year round. And not just involved as in watching games, but actually owning, managing and running a “fantasy” football team. When the real football season starts – and it can be the NFL or a division of the NCAA or some other league – scores in the fantasy football leagues are determined by using statistics compiled by actual players.
Who started fantasy football, and when? It all goes back almost 50 years when a limited partner in the Oakland Raiders and some of his sports writer and editor friends cooked up the...