A lot of students need to get student loans in order to complete their education. However, student loans can be a huge financial burden to most people, with high interest rates. Here’s where a student loan consolidation can help.
Essentially, a student loan consolidation gives you a longer period of time (as long as 30 years) to repay your student loans. Usually the interest rates are much lower since a student loan consolidation takes into average all the student loans you are currently paying.
The interest rate for a student loan consolidation is usually fixed and according to federal law, cannot be higher than 8.25 percent.
Though there are many benefits to having a student loan consolidation, many students are confused since there are such a wide variety of consolidation loans available from the government or private sectors.
Before applying for any student loan consolidation, a student has to do some research in determining which student consolidation loan is suitable for him/her.
Here are some pointers which you can take into consideration before taking out a student loan consolidation:
1. Credit Rating
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