How do you determine if you’re under mind control?
It’s an interesting question that you can pass around at a party or among friends.
The fact is that you just don’t know. In fact everything you are doing could be a response that fits perfectly into another persons plans.
If you take that as a possibility you could simply just give up and yield to the fact that NOTHING is truly within your control but there is a healthier option.
It’s quite simple, just ask yourself “Am I acting or am I reacting?”
If you are reacting then you are respond to something outside of your control and trying to gain some control back, a potential sign of some form of mind control.
No one likes to feel powerless and out of control.
The solution? To do something intentional and positive that is NOT a response to the external environment.
I want to emphasize the word “positive” here because an intentional negative/destructive act has to act on or destroy something pre-existing. It would be then something to which you are reacting.
This is much harder that it might seem because it requires four...