Tips for a Better Doctor Visit
1. Have as many medical records as possible with you to document your medical condition, especially for a new visit or a consult. Go by the hospital, lab or other doctors office and get copies. This saves the doctor time and sometimes even avoids an extra official call.
2. Bring in the actual bottles of prescriptions. While lists are helpful, the bottles reveal how many are prescribed at a time, dosage, and if there are any refills left. There is no more guessing about the little blue pill. With so many generics the same drug can show up as many different shapes and sizes depending on the manufacturer. Now you can both be on the same page when talking about a specific medication. I am also surprised at the many errors on the bottles by the pharmacist.
3. Create a list of questions/requests before your visit. In fact, it would be ideal to tell the person making the appointment what areas you need to discuss. This is not the time to say its personal. We assume it is all personal in a medical office. It helps us be prepared in scheduling, equipment, and assigning the proper room. Believe it or not, we have heard most...