An Art school has a primary focus on the visual arts, such as graphic design, illustration, painting, photography, and sculpture. They are specific to the type of education that you wish to obtain. Art schools differ from larger institutions by degrees including such classes as science and math. When the school is considered an accredited college, you can still obtain a bachelor of Fine Arts degree. There are certain criteria that you need to meet in order to be accepted into an art school. What the admissions committees look for in an applicant is:
Grades: the committee wants to make sure that the future student will be successful and thrive under academic pressure.
Students who have strong academic backgrounds are preferred. Do not worry if you are not the strongest academic applicant.
The Admissions counselors also take personal background and extracurricular activities into consideration.
Improve your chances of being accepted at the art school of your choice, by improving your GPA, participating in after school activities, (if you are still in school), involvement in the community or neighborhood, and/or participation in civic or...