Search engine optimization (SEO) mainly deals with whats called on-page optimization placing keywords and phrases in different areas and in the code of a webpage. On-page SEO is great for letting Google and the other search engines know what your website is about, but its also vital to let them know how important your website is. You can accomplish this through a broader branch of online promotion call search engine marketing. One area of search engine marketing is article writing and syndication, and it works wonders for building backlinks to your website, as well as providing good content for your websites visitors.
There are many great reasons to start writing articles and syndicating them, but there are three major reasons. The most obvious reason for writing articles is to fill your website with relevant and informative content. Visitors to your website are looking for information. By adding articles to your website you are adding value to their experience and they are more likely to return and tell others about the wealth of information available on your site. Another great reason for writing your own content deals more with search engine optimization search...