We write and we write well. At least we hope that we do. Still, we writers need our own library of go to books to help us write with strength, market our wares, and simply to inspire us to greater works. Ive compiled a brief list of useful books for the serious article writers library. Some I own, while others I plan on buying.
The Chicago School of Style, 15th Edition Considered by English speaking authors as the Bible of proper grammar usage and style, this 950 plus page reference book is everything you need to have on hand when you simply are not sure about punctuation, grammar, spelling, etc. Surprisingly, the book is not stuffy as it allows serious writers some flexibility with the rules. If you have been writing for some time, you know that rules do change. I was shocked when even the Chicago School started a sentence with and in it. Oh me, oh my!
Guerilla Marketing For Writers — I am very curious about this title as I have seen reference to it on various writers web sites. Essentially Guerilla Marketing espouses the need for writers [particularly book authors] to spend as much as 33% of their time marketing. Hmmmwriting in and of itself is so...