Asbestos rooftile is basically an Asbstos contaminated roofing material. It is made up of natural minerals that are fiberous in nature.Fiberous quality of Asbestos was considered useful in various building materials. For examplePipe insulation,floortile, and fireproofing. Other roofing products such as shingles,tars,pitch and roof tiles were also prepared with the help of asbestos.
Dangers of Asbestos Roof Tile:
Asbestos roof tile are hazardous for health because asbestos particles released from the tiles could cause respiratory health hazards.These health hazards occur when respirable fibres are released into the air and then inhaled in your body. Materials that contains Asbestos are divided into two categories Friable (able to be reduced to a powder by hand pressure) and non-friable . Usage of NonFriable asbestos containing materials is not that harmful because , they do not release dangerous asbetos fiber into the air. This class of materials does not relase fibers unless you impact them mechanically with the help of tools, drills and saws.
Protection Steps:
Five steps of protection are helpful to prevent asbestos fiber...