In order to win over any potential investors for funding your business you have to impress them with your business acumen and not try to dazzle them with exaggerated information. In most instances for every goal you present their response is going to be asking how you are going to achieve that step. This will continue through every step of the process until they are satisfied that your business proposal is sound and that you can meet the goals established.
Meanwhile, keeping track of your physical assets such as your inventory and equipment is likewise important for you to sustain effective and efficient business operations. You should note that it is sometimes required for you to conduct a physical inventory just to make sure that everything is in place. In addition, you should realize that all assets that have a value can be considered as a physical asset. For example, you might already know that the machinery you use for production is an essential asset for your company. But it is also important to remember that even the chair you are sitting on in the office is considered to be an asset therefore you need to include it in your list of asset and liability...