Attention Women Authors! Get Your Articles Noticed by Magazine Editors
Women writers will find there are many opportunities for magazine writers. There are magazines on most any topic you can think of: sports, hobbies, business, collectibles, cars, boats, decorating, cooking, child rearing, and children’s interests. This creates an open market for women writers.
Perhaps you would like to become one of the women who write for magazines. Here are some magazine submission tips that will help you get started.
Find the Right Magazine
The first step is to find a publication that covers the topics you want to write about. You can find a list of publications in a directory for writers at a bookstore. Libraries usually offer a reference list in a “List of Periodicals.” Also, look for a sizable selection of magazines at a large bookstore.
The next thing to do is read the publications you are interested in writing for and identify their editorial perspective. This will give you an idea of how to adapt your article to their interests. You normally wouldn’t send an article on cooking to a sailing magazine. But possibly you could...